Democracy and democratic Rights

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 Everyone Has Basic Human Rights that the State Cannot Take Away

 In a democracy, every citizen has certain basic rights that the state cannot take away from them.  These rights are internationally recognized and guaranteed.  Everyone has the right to have their own beliefs, including their religious beliefs, and to say and write what they think.  Everyone has the right to seek different sources of information and ideas.  Everyone has the right to associate with other people, and to form and join organizations of their own choice, including trade unions.  Everyone has the right to assemble and to protest government actions.  However, citizens have an obligation to exercise these rights peacefully, with respect for the law and for the rights of others.

 Separation of Powers and Judicial Independence:

In a democracy, the exercise of political power must respect the law, the constitution, and the will of the people, through the decisions of their [elected] legislative representatives.  This requires that power be separated so that the head of government and his ministers do not have the power to make the law or to interfere in court cases.  In a democracy, the executive branch implements policies and programs, administers the national budget, and conducts national affairs.  It may also propose laws, but only the parliament may enact legislation, including the budget.  Only the courts can decide the guilt or innocence of individuals charged with a crime, and only the higher courts can determine whether a law or a government action or policy is constitutional.

What is Democracy:

Government authority flows from the people and is based upon their consent.

Democracy is a system of government in which a country’s political leaders are chosen by the people in regular, free, and fair elections. In a democracy, people have a choice between different candidates and parties who want the power to govern.  The people can criticize and replace their elected leaders and representatives if they do not perform well.  The people are sovereign—they are the highest authority—and government is based on the will of the people.  Elected representatives at the national and local levels must listen to the people and be responsive to their needs. 


Role of the Citizen in a Democracy

The key role of citizens in a democracy is participation. This takes many forms.  Citizens have an obligation to become informed about public issues, to monitor the conduct of their leaders and representatives, and to express their own opinions.  Participation also involves voting in elections, debating issues, attending community meetings, becoming involved in private, voluntary organizations, and even protesting.  However, political participation in a democracy must be peaceful, respectful of the law, and tolerant of the different views of other groups and individuals.

Rule of Law:

Democracy is a system of rule by laws, not individuals.  In a democracy, the rule of law protects the rights of citizens, maintains order, and limits the power of government.  All citizens are equal under the law.  No one may be discriminated against on the basis of their race, religion, ethnic group, or gender.  No one may be arrested, imprisoned, or exiled arbitrarily.  No one may be denied their freedom without a fair and public hearing by an impartial court.  No one may be taxed or prosecuted except by a law established in advance.  No one is above the law, not even a king or an elected president.  The law is fairly, impartially, and consistently enforced, by courts that are independent of the other branches of government.

Due Process of Law:

In a democracy, anyone accused of a crime has the right to a fair, speedy, and public trial.

Just because someone is accused of a crime does not mean that he loses his rights.  Anyone arrested is presumed innocent until proven guilty.  A person’s guilt must be proved in a court of law, through a fair, speedy, and public trial.  In a democracy, a person accused of a crime has the right to know the charges against him, to remain silent, to have legal representation, to participate in his defense, and to question witnesses for the prosecution.  No person who is acquitted of a crime may be tried again on that charge.  No one—under any circumstance—may ever be subjected to torture, or to cruel and inhuman treatment.  No one may be imprisoned or have their property seized without legal justification.

Democratic rights:

Democracy is a system of rule by laws, not individuals. In a democracy, the rule of law protects the rights of citizens, maintains order, and limits the power of government. All citizens are equal under the law. No one may be discriminated against on the basis of their race, religion, ethnic group, or gende

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